Neil Sloane (b. 1939).
The title of Sloane's doctoral dissertation was "Lengths of Cycle Times in Random Neural Networks." Sloane joined Bell Labs in 1968, becoming an AT&T Fellow in 1998, and retiring in 2012. Sloan is an IEEE Fellow, receiving the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal in 2005, a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Sloane shared some of his favorite integer sequences on the occasion of his 75th birthday in 2014.[2]
Wikimedia Commons image by Laine Whitcomb.
• Partitioning, February 21, 2011The integer sequence of the number of days between these articles is 408, 35, 84, 70, 236, 277, 342, 18, 1344, 84, 644, 140, 357. Most of the integer sequences are named for what they represent, as this short list demonstrates.
• Phyllotaxis, April 4, 2012
• Smith Numbers, May 9, 2012
• Holey Numbers, August 1, 2012
• Conway Numbers, October 10, 2012
• The Twin Prime Conjecture, June 3, 2013
• The Knight's Tour, March 7, 2014
• The Yellowstone Sequence, February 12, 2015
• Numerology, March 2, 2015
• Bus Stop Simulation, November 5, 2018
• Crazy Number Sequences, January 28, 2019
• Armstrong Numbers, November 2, 2020
• The Seven Sisters, March 22, 2021
• Sum of Three Cubes, March 14, 2022
• A005843, the non-negative even numbers.Others are named after their originator.
• A005408, the non-negative odd numbers.
• A000040, the prime numbers.
• A000290, the squares.
• A077800, the twin primes.
• A000041, the partition numbers.
• A005188, the Armstrong numbers. These are the numbers that are the sum of their own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits.Others have imaginative names derived from their properties.
• A033307, the digits of the Champernowne constant, which is simply the concatenation of all the numbers, written in order (i.e., 12345678910111213141516...
• A000215, the Fermat numbers. These are numbers of the form a(n) = 2^(2^n) + 1.
• A000045, Fibonacci numbers. This sequence starts with 0 and 1, and each subsequent term is the sum of the two preceding terms.
• A007318, Pascal's triangle (The binomial coefficients).
• A005597, from the first Hardy–Littlewood conjecture, the digits of the twin prime constant.
• A006753, a Smith number is a composite number for which the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits in its prime factorization. You can read more about these and find source code for a generating program in an earlier article (Smith Numbers, May 9, 2012).
• A005188, the Armstrong numbers are also known as the narcissistic numbers.If you need a respite from the real mathematics of the world, you can vacation with A007770, the happy numbers. These are numbers that eventually give 1 when you go through the process of repeatedly replacing the number by the sum of the square of each digit. As an example, 31 is a happy number because 32 + 12 = 10 and 12 + 02 = 1. Further replacements will still yield 1. This concept can be generalized to any number base, there are happy primes (A035497), and the complementary unhappy numbers (A031177).
• A006753, the Smith numbers are also called the joke numbers.
• A001744, the holey numbers. These are numbers whose written digits all have topological holes; e.g., 0, 4, 6. 8, and 9.
• A002113, the palindrome numbers, which are numbers the same when written forwards and backwards.
• A011541, the taxicab numbers. These numbers, first noticed by Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), are numbers that can be expressed as a sum of two positive integer cubes in n distinct ways. The name derives from the number 1729 seen on a taxicab by G.H. Hardy (1877-1947).
• A165134, knight tour numbers. These are the number of knight's paths visiting each square of an n-by-n chessboard exactly once.
• A098550, the Yellowstone sequence. This sequence has a graph that suggests the eruption of geysers in Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. state, Wyoming.
One reason why your grandparents were so strange.
These are smiley balloon faces from a 1922 advertisement, but they seem more designed to induce nightmares than glee.
(Portions of an image of a page from The Billboard, vol. 34, no. 11 (March 18, 1922), p. 20.)
(31,32) | (319,320) | (637,638) |
(129,130) | (367,368) | (655,656) |
(192,193) | (391,392) | (912,913) |
(262,263) | (565,566) | (931,932) |
(301,302) | (622,623) |
graph of the top value of consecutive happy number pairs below ten million, as calculated by my C language program.
There are 214,600 such pairs.
(Created using Gnumeric.)