The Three Wise Monkeys, demonstrating the proverb, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." The two at the ends are repressing their senses of hearing and sight. (Via Wikimedia Commons.) |
Now you see it, now you don't. An experiment to test whether an individual notices a changed image, but is not able to pinpoint what has changed. (University of Melbourne illustration.) |
"There is a common belief that observers can experience changes directly with their mind, without needing to rely on the traditional physical senses... We were able to show that while observers could reliably sense changes that they could not visually identify, this ability was not due to extrasensory perception or a sixth sense."[12]
The results for individual study subjects for the experiment described above. The data points above the line represent evidence that changes could be detected, but not described. (Fig. 3 of ref. 11, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.) |