An Iconic Image Volkswagen buses were popular among hippies, since they were inexpensive, and you could live inside your vehicle. (Photograph by Marshall Astor, via Wikimedia Commons.) |
• Initialize a population of gametes with random solutions.As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the following figure demonstrates the potential of the flower pollination algorithm. Plotted is the difference D between the current solution and the best mean solution for a genetic algorithm (GA), a particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), and the flower pollination algorithm (FPA).
• Find the best solution in the initial population
• Define a switch probability.
• Over the entire population, if a random number exceeds the switch probability, draw a vector obeying a Lévy distribution to "pollinate" another member of the population. This is "distance pollination."
• Otherwise, do a "local pollination" according to a normal distribution (a.k.a., Rayleigh flight).
• Evaluate the new population find the current best solution and repeat.
Performance comparison between a genetic algorithm (GA), a particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), and the flower pollination algorithm (FPA). The FPA has the best result, and it converged most quickly. (Fig. 2 of ref. 3, via arXiv.[5]) |