If buggy-whip manufacturers had better lobbyists. This photograph is actually from a Finnish horse-pulling contest in 1948. Photo by Väinö Erälä, via (Wikimedia Commons.) |
Data on the 6J6A miniature dual-triode vacuum tube, an improved version of the 6J6. (Scan from author's copy of the RCA Receiving Tube Manual, Radio Corporation of America, November, 1966). |
Moore's Law. The line specifies a two year doubling. My first personal computers used the 8080 and Z80 microprocessors, which are among the highlighted chips. (Graph by W.G. Simon (simplified), via Wikimedia Commons.) |
Logarithms of price and production as a function of time for dynamic random-access memory DRAM chips. (A portion of fig. 3 from ref. 6, licensed under the the Creative Commons Attribution License.)[6] |
"Information technologies improve the fastest... but you also see the sustained exponential improvement in many energy technologies. Photovoltaics improve very quickly. One of our main interests is in examining the data to gain insight into how we can accelerate the improvement of technology."[5]
The value of the Wright parameter W plotted against the ratio of the exponent of cost reduction and the exponent of the increase in cumulative production, m/g. (Fig. 4 from ref. 6 , licensed under the the Creative Commons Attribution License.)[6] |