My father (center), with two of his three sisters, circa 1926. Will your digital photos survive for 87 years? DVDs have an assured lifetime of less than fifteen years. |
Core-drilling sites at Leuggern and Weiach in northern Switzerland. (Fig. 1 of ref. 2, published under a Creative Commons License.)[2] |
Middle Triassic pollen grains found in northern Switzerland. These grains were recovered from the Weiach core sample at 950.82 meters (left) and 903.02 meters (right). The size of the left specimen is 32.0 x 46.0 μm, and the size of the right specimen is 31.5 x 41.5 μm. (Image sources, left and right, Peter A. Hochuli and Susanne Feist-Burkhardt, University of Zürich ). |
"Bees need to decipher the chemical messages they're getting [from flowers] to be able to home in on the flowers they know will give the best yield [of nectar]."[5]So, the hundred million year coevolution of the flower-bee ecosystem is being disrupted by a technology developed just a little more than a hundred years ago.