Left image, a slice from the 1990 Gualtieri Christmas tree. The rings are hard to see after 22 years, but Christmas trees are generally eight years old when cut. Right image, growth rings of a tree in Pacific Spirit Regional Park, Vancouver, by Lawrence Murray, via Wikimedia Commons. |
"Her oðywde read Cristes mæl on heofenum æfter sunnan setlgange..."[7]The red color may indicate that the object is hidden behind interstellar dust clouds[5-6] Its appearance at sunset would put the object's location too near the Sun to be observed easily.[6]
"This year also appeared in the heavens a red crucifix, after sunset..."[8]
Portion of the first page of the Anglo Saxon Peterborough Chronicle, c. 1150. This is one of a number of annals that are collectively known as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. (Via Wikimedia Commons). |