The VMOS transistor structure. The grooves are (111) planes of silicon exposed by etching of the (100) wafer surface. (Via Wikimedia Commons) |
Clockwise from upper left, a planar transistor, a single-fin tri-gate transistor, and a multi-fin tri-gate transistor. (Intel Corp, Ref. 5) |
Yes, it's real. Micrograph of multi-fin tri-gate FETs. (Intel Corp., Ref. 5) |
"For years we have seen limits to how small transistors can get... This change in the basic structure is a truly revolutionary approach, and one that should allow Moore's Law, and the historic pace of innovation, to continue."Now for my idea of a more energy-efficient transistor architecture. My Fourtran architecture (not to be confused with Fortran), is a four-dimensional approach that has transistors appear only when needed, and disappear when they are no longer in use. Best transistor architecture, ever!