I never smoked. My parents smoked when I was a child, but they quit after a friend died of a smoking-related illness. At the same time, evidence started to mount as to the harmful effects of smoking. The first
Chemical | Type of Tobacco | Concentration (ng/g) |
Benzo[a]pyrene | NT, S | > 0.1 - 90.0 |
α-Angelica Lactone | NT | present |
β-Angelica Lactone | NT | present |
Coumarin | NT | 600 |
Ethyl Carbamate | CT | 310 - 375 |
Formaldehyde | NT, S | 1,600 - 7,400 |
Acetaldehyde | NT, S | 1,400 - 27,400 |
Crotonaldehyde | S | 200 - 2,400 |
Nitrosodimethylamine | CT, S | ND - 270 |
Nitrosopyrrolidine | CT, S | ND - 760 |
Nitrosopiperidine | CT, S | ND - 110 |
Nitrosomorpholine | CT, S | ND - 690 |
Nitrosodiethanolamine | CT, S | 40 - 6,800 |
Nitrososarcosine | S | ND - 2,500 |
3-(Methylnitrosamino)- propionic acid | CT, S | 200 - 65,700 |
4-(Methylnitrosamino)- butyric acid | CT, S | ND - 9,100 |
Nitrosoazetadine-2-carboxylic acid | CT | 4 - 140 |
N'-Nitrosonornicotine | CT, S | 400 - 147,000 |
4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone | CT, S | ND - 18,000 |
4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol | S | present |
N'-Nitrosoanabasine | SM, S | present - 560 |
Hydrazine | SM | 14 - 51 |
Arsenic | NT | 500 - 900 |
Nickel | SM, S | 180 - 2,700 |
Cadmium | SM | 700 - 790 |
Polonium-210 | NT, S | 0.16 - 1.22(pCi/g) |
Uranium-235 | S | 2.4(pCi/g) |
Uranium-238 | S | 1.91(pCi/g) |