"If the area of the circle be 140,000 square miles, then [the length of a side of the square] is greater than the true length by about an inch."This, as my building contractor father would say when surveying for the foundation of a new house, is "close enough for digging." There are more extreme examples that bring this to a better than ppm level. Hippocrates (of Chios) thought he was close to squaring the circle when he examined the properties of his lune, which is shown in the figure. He showed that the area between the arcs "E" and "F" in the figure was the same as the area of triangle ABO.
Lune of Hippocrates. Drawing by Michael Hardy, via Wikimedia Commons. |
"For my part, I do not deny that I too was once affected by the same weakness, and, to omit other things, I put not a small effort into squaring of a circle and in examination of works of others attempting it."[4]Would that modern scientific papers, or at least blogs, were written in the same style!
"I must confess that it was not just for a short period that my brain troubled over such a thing as Kochański's construction. Then, Lo! The darkness was lifted from my eyes, and I saw clearly the logic that flowed from his able pen."[5]Kochański gives a construction, shown in the figure, that generates an approximation of π2. In this figure, the angles, ∠IAC and ∠KAC, on a unit circle are sixty degrees, and the line segment HL = BD. Knowing this allows the conclusion that IL2 = IK2 + KL2 = 9.869231718195572759955..., the square root of which is 3.141533339...
Kochański geometrical construction to approximate pi. The angles ∠IAC and ∠KAC are 60°, HL=BD, and IL is close to π2 for a unit circle. (Via arXiv Preprint Server)[3]. |