"Everything that is predicted by a sufficiently renowned theorist will be discovered, irrespective of its actual existence..."Of course, experiments of the Millikan type are difficult. Millikan himself labored more than a decade on his experimental apparatus. It's interesting, also, that fractional charges were discovered in a Millikan-type experiment by Felix Ehrenhaft and his students at the University of Vienna. Pietschmann quotes from a letter he received from George Zweig on June 11, 1980. Zweig writes that Felix Ehrenhaft had published a paper in 1938 that included data on charge measurements for 150 selenium spheres. The data show two large peaks at charge 1 and 2/3. Zweig asked whether the specific batch of selenium could be located. Pietschmann did a search, but none was found.[3] Why selenium? The melting point of selenium is 221oC, so a Millikan-type experiment is a little difficult, but quite possible. Solid state physicists have been acquainted with fractional charges for years in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Robert B. Laughlin, who shared the 1998 Nobel Physics Prize with Daniel C. Tsui and Horst L. Störmer, explained the effect as the result of electrons capturing an odd number of magnetic flux quanta. This resulted in the fractional quantized resistance values with odd denominators observed in semiconductors by Tsui and Störmer. In this case, the fractional charge carriers are not particles, but excitations that act as pseudo-particles. One interesting consequence of the quantum Hall effect is that we now have a quantum of resistance called the von Klitzing constant. Its value, which is Planck's constant divided by the square of the electron charge, is 25812.807557 ohms.