m = (E I)/(g v)One important feature of this definition of mass is that electrical current and voltage are defined by fundamental constants, such as Planck's constant and the speed of light.[2] The Watt balance will transition the definition of mass to a fundamental level. Of course, the devil is in the details, such as magnetic field homogeneity, and that's why the NIST Watt balance looks like the photograph below. Aside from NIST, the Watt balance approach is being pursued at national standards laboratories in England, Switzerland and France; but NIST holds the precision record with a relative uncertainty of 3.6 x 10-8.[3] NIST Watt Balance (Steiner/NIST) The other approach to a mass standard is similar to the present platinum-iridium cylinder. It's a technological tour de force, but in my mind it's less satisfying than relating mass to the fundamental constants. What it involves is counting atoms in a kilogram-sized object composed of a single atom type. This goal is not as outlandish as it sounds. The growth of perfect crystals of silicon for integrated circuits is an extremely well developed industrial process. Huge silicon crystals of extreme perfection can be made, and the atoms in these crystals are arranged in a very regular lattice structure known as diamond cubic; so, in principle, the number of atoms in a geometrical object can be can be "counted," and the object can be used as a mass standard.[4-8] One difficulty with this approach is that the silicon must be extremely pure. Exclusion of elements other than silicon is easily done by a method called zone-refining, but there's another problem. Silicon exists as more than one stable isotope, and the natural abundance of these isotopes is approximately (28Si, 92.23%), (29Si, 4.67%) and (30Si, 3.1%). If crystals of 28Si containing an Avogadro number of atoms were prepared, they would have a reproducible weight of almost exactly 28 grams. This is the approach pursued by an international collaboration called the Avogadro Project. Isotopically-pure silicon-28 was obtained by gas centrifuge of SiF4 gas at the Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, St. Petersburg, Russia. The isotopically-pure gas was made into elemental silicon at the Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. A five kilogram single crystal boule of 28Si was grown at the Institute for Crystal Growth (Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung) in Berlin in 2007. The crystal was 99.994% pure silicon-28 and dislocation-free. Impurities are always present in materials, so the impurities were measured using infrared spectroscopy and positron lifetime spectroscopy to reveal the following concentrations (units of 1015 cm-3): Carbon, 0.99; Oxygen, 0.36; Boron, 0.005; vacancies, 0.33. An Australian team fabricated two 93.6 mm diameter, one kilogram spheres, referenced to the Australian copy of the standard kilogram, from this crystal. The spheres were machined to incredible smoothness, as shown in the figure.[8] No, these are not the moons of Mars. These are diameter topographs of silicon spheres. The scale is from -63 nm (blue) to 37 nm (red). Peak-to-valley distances are less than 100 nm in each case. (Fig. 3 from Ref. [4], via arXiv) After an analysis of the actual isotopic concentration of silicon, and laser interferometry by research groups in Belgium, Italy and Japan to obtain the precise volume of the spheres, the team obtained the following value for Avogadro's constant [4]
6.02214084(18) x 1023 mol-1The relative uncertainty of of this value is 3.0 x 10-8. Richard Davis, who heads the mass department of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, is quoted in Nature as saying that the relative uncertainty must fall below 2.0 x 10-8 before these silicon spheres could supplant the current standard.[5] The figure below shows how the silicon spheres compare with other measurements. Comparison of Avogadro Number metrology. (Fig. 5 from Ref. [4], "this paper" on graph," via arXiv)