• Resource depletionVictor mentions at the conclusion of his article that there are things that can be done at a grassroots level to enhance wellbeing, such as buying locally produced foods and other items. The four day work week has eluded my generation, and now I'm now at the end of my working career. Perhaps there's hope for greater leisure for future generations. As an aside, Paul Victor's commentary in Nature is two pages long.[2] I was able to read it, since I have a print subscription to Nature. If you wanted to read his article online without a subscription, you would need to pay $32, or $16/page. WTF! Victor's 272 page book, "Managing Without Growth: Slower by Design, Not Disaster," is sold for $35.00, or less than thirteen cents per page.[3] I reported on journal pricing in a previous article (Journal Pricing Protest, June 14, 2010).
• Crime
• Ozone depletion
• Family breakdown
• Air, water, and noise pollution
• Loss of farmland
• Loss of wetlands