3.1δ1506027δ5947523521525866652841737δδ77477531δ3Number bases have some interesting properties. First, it isn't required that the base be a non-zero integer.[2,4] In fact, the value of pi in base-pi is 10.[3,4] Making a base like this perverts the normal meanings of numbers, since representing the decimal number four in base-pi requires an infinite number of digits. Donald Christensen, former editor of the IEEE Spectrum, wrote an opinion piece several years ago in an issue of "Today's Engineer,"[5] that poses the following problem. "The square of 24 in base b equals 554 in base b. What is base b?" I'll leave you with the following as a starter. The number 237 is represented in base 10 as
(2)(102) + (3)(101) + (7)(100), orIf you're stuck, you can find the answer in one of my earlier articles (All Your Base (Continued), December 11, 2006). I can't write an article about bases without a mention of the most famous Internet base; namely, the one from the opening scene of the 1989 Japanese video game, Zero Wing. The English used in the game was likely just a placeholder for a better translation that never happened, and a particular phrase used in the game, "All your base are belong to us," became an Internet meme. You can view a popular video remix of AYBABTU on YouTube.
(2)(b2) + (3)(b1) + (7)(b0), where b = 10.